Monday, 30 July 2012

Home grown

At weekend after having a walk round the garden.
I thougth too many pot plants to water, so I've decided.
Have to try and sell some,so  took a few to my front garden
put a sign out .Managed to sell two
Oh well!! its two less I have to water.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Home grown

At this moment its raining so at least I dont have to water the garden.
It feels quite fresh,its raining quite heavy lets hope the veg can cope
with all this water.The chillies and sweet peppers are bieng grown in the
Chilli pepper
greenhouse,and they are groing nicely.

Friday, 27 July 2012

Home grown

Now the wheather has changed again,looks like the heavens are going to open.
Hope this is not all over!The vegetables needs a little more sun,and the agaphanthes
look realy good.
The graps are very poor, due to all that rain that we had early in the year.
Come on sun do your job!

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Home grown first.
I,m so pleased first time I've grown butternut.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Home grown

Just had a look in the garden the slugs are bieng kept at bay.
The borloti beans look good,but not a lot of flowers, with the wheather warming
Borloti beans
up i'm in hope for a better show.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Home Grown

I woke very early,made myself a coffee then had a walk round the garden,the wheather has warmed up.
this are little gems, alla rosso,pick as it grows
Tomatos are doing well,the lettuce are good the slugs started munching on them,so I gave them breafast,with a little luck they should leave them alone

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Home Grown

At last the sun is out,lets hope it'll stay, my vegetables could do with a little heat.
One of my many tomato plants
The tomatos are growing well,the chillies are growing slowly,I have plantead them in the greenhouse so I'm excepting a better crop than last year,they never had a chance to ripon, the summer was so poor,and so far this year were not doing much better.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Home grown

There nothing nicer, than going to you back garden to pick your own veg.
It tastes so good,so far i've had broad beans,cabbage and strawberries.
This is my first crop

Sunday, 8 July 2012

How it all started.

The flora in Madeira is recognized internationly.
The vegetation that covers the montains,depends on the water, that flows freely down
the rock surface.
Then there is the levadas transporting water to various points of the island,where it is
used to water produce on farms.
When walking the levadas, you will be amazed at the vieu,the ferns,pines,eucalyptus
and other plants,that only grows high up in the most remote areas
If you lucky you may even see this pigeon.((columba trocaz heinecken))
Which can only be found in Madeira.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

How it all started

Nature realy is amazing.It is said that Madeira was set on fire and that it burnt for seven years
That is quite fantastic!
Probably thats the reason why Madeira is so fertile.
.When you go on the levada walks,you will see
sheer drops, ferns, waterfalls cascading down the montains.
If you ever go to Madeira,the levada walks is a must.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

How it all started.

The island had a dense vegetation,all the way down to the sea,and in Machico were they landed,Joao Goncalves Zarco sent some of his man,trough the trees to make sure that there wasen't any ferocious beasts.
But all they found was birds.
When they arrived at this bay wich is now called Funchal,the Portugues found a beautifull piece of land,covered with a fabulous forest,so precise that it looked as if someone had planted.
The trees appeard to be of the same size,all the way as far the eye could see.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

How it all started

It is believed that Madeira is sixty to seyenty millions years old.
Due to volcanic eruptions,thats how it come to be.
It was discovered by Joao Goncalves Zarco a Portugues navigator in 1419.
Thy were in the isle of Porto Santo,when they saw this black fog in the horison
Joao Goncalves Zarco wantead to go and see where it led to,but his sailors thought it
to be the edge of the world and were afraid.
So it was three hours before sunrise,they liftead anchor and headed towards this mysterious fog.
 they could hear was the waves against the rocks.
Then through the cloud they saw this black peeks sticking out of clouds and trees.