Thursday, 19 January 2017


It has been two weeks since hubby and I arrived in the homeland. We left our little house in Essex way a little worse for wear, that is we had really bad colds, within first week I was ok, but hubby took a little longer, but his feeling better now thank goodness was getting a little bored with my own company. But now we can go out and about Yesterday we entertained our friends from Belgium Eric and Noelia, really enjoyed the company.

Today am going to the market to get my fruit and vegetables, love going to the market! I know I can get veggies in the supermarket, but the open market is more interesting it reminds me of my childhood, going with  Mama... all the country folk selling their produce the sounds and the people, so nostalgic...

Tuesday, 10 January 2017


Arrived in the homeland three days ago, and so far it has not been great! But it is looking promising, I think we are turning a corner fingers cross, I feel a lot better and Hubby is feeling a lit better too...Really looking forward to getting about, visiting friends and so forth.
The weather has been good although a little windy, have to start walking, training so that my foot get stronger for the 5th of Feb which will be the next trek across the levadas..

Wishing you all a very good day, and may the sun shine on you all...

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

My life my family

Good morning my world!!!! I have always been happy in my world, after all I have my family and a lovely group of friends. My little darling is a joy to have around, and 2016 was a great year. Started 2016 in the homeland, my (((Madeira)))By February we are back home in Essex Way, then Mia and I went to Venice, that was quite an experience, simply beautiful....Not only did we visit Venice, a few months later we have another little jaunt to Barcelona loved every moment...

Then disaster strikes and I take a tumble, resulting in a broken ankle, so August was not so good. Spent 5weeks in plaster, made use of my time by reading which I love in October Hubby and I take another trip to the old homeland this time in a wheelchair and crutches, now I am on the mend still limping slightly but getting there slowly.

Now we are in 2017 and it did not start well, but with loads of faith an support we'll get there am sure. I am so blessed to have my family, love them to pieces andI am so lucky that I am finding more family that had been forgotten or should I say misplaced...I have always tried to keep in touch with my Auntie Mums sister, and now that they are both gone, I have the friendship of my cousins...Now am glad to say that I have also found my Mums Twin brother children... Am so happy to have my cousins back in my life.

On Friday I will find myself back in the old homeland....Looking forward to resume the acquaintance of my new found family....
Wishing you all a very healthy and happy 2017