Sunday, 22 September 2019

Walking the Essex way

Good morning my World!
Now we are entering Autumn the day's are getting shorter and temperature wise still quite mild, but one can already see the signs, the leaves on the trees and hedges are slowly changing getting ready for the Autumnal drop. Walking through the countryside with a kaleidoscope of amazing colors greeting you as you walk along the footpaths and the woods, crunching the leaves underfoot with the chorus of birds singing simply magic!
Walking through our footpaths through the year one can see and experience the seasons as it unfurls. My friend Paula and I have seen the changes happening around our village since we started walking over twenty years ago.
We have lost a couple of footpaths due to house building and the gravel extraction but we still manage to find enough ground to take our foot steps and are lucky enough to have a glimpse now and again of our wild life.
After a quiet weekend am ready now for another walk. just waiting for daylight..
Take great care my friends and go out there and enjoy life.

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