Friday, 16 June 2017

walking the Essex way

My Friend Paula and I are still walking through the footpaths surrounding our village, we see the changes through the seasons.... This is the season to find wild orchids, we get so excited when coming across them and yesterday when walking through a field not only did we find the orchids but to our surprise a hare walking towards us, or should I say hopping!  Paula and I just stood there mesmerised then he sees us and it was so funny when he saw us, he just stood still for a second then jumped and off it went. My friend with her quick thinking filmed it running away, and the Essex Wildlife Trust have it on their FB page now...

The butterfly's and the insects are amazing too! So far we have photographed Painted Lady, Red Admiral's, Tortoiseshell and the Essex skipper and a load of insects.

Getting ready for another walk have a lovely day...
Follow the path

Painted Lady

Red Admiral

speckled wood


Dragonfly... (((Black-lined orthetrum))) I think?

Essex skipper


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