Tuesday, 18 January 2022

The Homeland


here i find myself once again in my Island my madeira. ithas been a long time since my last visit due to the this horrible virus we kept away, but now that we are here am wondering why was I so worried? It feels safe here, I feel safe. we arrived on Friday to glorious sunshine then on Sunday the weather changed somewhat! Due to the Tonga volcano were going through the tail end of that eruption with rough seas but its easing.

So far I have done two walks one down to the promenade to see the sunrise so beautiful. and another walk more inland with my camera always dangling at the end of my arm, clicking left right and center. the hibiscus with so many bright colors that gladdens ones eye and sea views the waves crushing against the rocks..... Oh!  how I had missed my Madeira!



Jimena said...

Hello everyone my name Ximena Jimena from Cuba i want to use this medium to inform the world on how i got cured from Herpes & diabetes at first when i had symptoms back in 2014 i went for test and it came out positive i lost hope of getting a better relationship or marriage, everything changed when i met Dr Itua i contacted explained everything to him and he said he has the cure so i decided to order it from him, so i actually did after 2 weeks i went for test and i was negative i'm forever grateful to him.he can also cure all diseases
email: drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com www.drituaherbalcenter.com Dr Itua can also bring back your ex lover and make him or she love more than ever.

⭐ 21 Blackjack Mobile said...

Thank you for the ability to take complex issues and explain them in a simple and accessible way. Keep it up! ❤️️