Saturday, 17 October 2015


This year my garden looked amazing, not only flowers but some veggies to, Early in the year there was the broad beans, the crop of borlotti  beans was very good too. courgettes too many just for me,since I am the only one in the family that likes them, so friends and family that popped in, went home with a goodie bag. Now the butternut squash was another story..... out of 5 plants only managed to pick one butternut plenty of fruit appeared but then it all dropped of... I wonder what I was doing wrong!!!

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Ana - they all look good ... love squash or marrow - but too many, I agree .. excellent results. Sad about the butternut - I love that sort of squash ... cheers and enjoy the fruits of your pickings - Hilary